{{vm.headerLinks.defaultWarehouse.linkText}}Pending Approvals:
{{vm.headerLinks.pendingApproval.linkText.split(" ")[0]}}Open Orders:
{{vm.headerLinks.openOrders.linkText.split(" ")[0]}}Product Lists:
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Bell & Gossett is a division of Xylem, a spin off of ITT Industries and is a leading manufacturer of energy efficient pumps, valves, heat exchangers and accessories for plumbing, wastewater, and HVAC - including steam and heat transfer applications. The company sells a variety of products, including centrifugal pumps, hydronic specialties, heat exchangers, condensate handling equipment, valves, rotors and controllers, for use in residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Bell & Gossett is known throughout the HVAC business as the industry's educator. Their Little Red Schoolhouse, a completely equipped learning center, has trained more than 60000 engineers, contractors and installers in the proper design, installation and maintenance of HVAC systems.